First find your own style, regardless of what's in currently or out currently. Make sure you know what looks good on your body size and type. Get a color analysis at least once in your life or just start asking your friends and family what colors look best on me. Go to stores like Saks Fifth Avenue and window shop, next go to stores like H&M and just browse, take notes or pics with your cell phone. If you are working ten hour days and don't have time just breeze through their websites. Subscribe to the Zoe Report, by Rachael Zoe celebrity stylist to the stars. Read W, Women's Wear Dailey, Vogue, and several different fashion magazines just to see what's in style. Get a great basic high quality wardrobe then add trendy accessories to change it up. Once you know what high-end basics that you really want in your wardrobe check out discount sites like,, and consignment shops. For instance if you know you want a pair of b...